El Dorado H.S. LMC

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

Teacher Librarian, Mrs. Linden

Library Media Specialist, Mrs. Carlson

EDHS Library Hours for 2024-25 

Mondays - 8 AM-2:00 PM   *   T/TH - 8 AM-4:00 PM   *   W/F - 8 AM- 3:00 PM

Open during class periods, plus before school, during breaks, T/TH lunches, and T/TH after school. 

How do I get a library card?

Your EDHS digital ID card is your library card. It is required to check out library books, textbooks, and Chromebook computers. Your 5Star ID is available via your phone shortly after school photos are taken. If you are a new student, they will take your photo in counseling for your digital ID card. If you do not have a phone, a physical Library Card can be made by special request so you may still check items out through our library. Please ask Mrs. Linden.

How many books can I check out at once?

Students may check out a total of 10 items. Item limits:

Print books., 5 combined fiction or nonfiction at one time, due in 3 weeks. 

DVDs - 2 at a time, due in 1 week

Playaway audiobooks - 1 at a time, due in 3 weeks

eBooks - 1 at a time, due in 3 weeks (automatic return through your online account)

Where do I return my library book?

EDHS Library books should be returned to the book return slot located in the circulation counter directly to the left of the library entrance. If your item is late, bring it to a library staff member so we may let you know if there is an overdue fine on your item.

What if my book is overdue?

Check your receipt for the due date. There is a 5-day grace period, just in case you have a sick day or leave your book at home. After that, the automated circulation system charges students 10 cents per school day, with a maximum fine of $5.00 per item. Please remember to be a responsible borrower, so other students waiting for the item may also borrow it in a timely manner. You may RENEW your book for an additional 3 weeks. Just bring in the item(s) and your 5Star ID and we can check it all out to you again. Remember that libraries are based on SHARING; there are other students who would like to access the items you are using. Bringing books back on time means more students can use it.

What if I lose my library book?

Come speak with us. You will have to pay the replacement value of that item according to our records. DO NOT buy a replacement copy on your own as we may not be able to accept it. If you cannot afford to replace the book, you may arrange to help out in the library to pay off the debt, but you must make arrangements with library staff for an appointment to work.

Where do I return textbooks?

Most departments want you to return your class textbooks directly to your teacher, not to the library. The only books we can take are usually health and world language texts. Please return all other textbooks to your teacher, or in the case of English textbooks and novels, to their book room on the second floor of A-wing.

What is Library Science Class at EDHS?

Students at EDHS may take a course that enables them to get real work experience by becoming part of the EDHS Library Media Center staff. This course is a UC/CSU a-g approved academic elective. Students earn a letter grade while learning about the history, philosophy, and practices of different libraries, as well as different technology-based research methods. Additionally, students learn customer service skills as they assist students and staff members in the library media center. Great experience you can list on a job application! See Mrs. Linden or your counselor for an application.